Time for a Change? How to Care for Your New Roller Blinds

Roller blinds are among the best window coverings you can choose for your home. First, they're great at keeping unwanted sunlight out of your home. Second, there are no cords to pose a risk for small children. Finally, they're easy to maintain. In fact, ease-of-maintenance is one of the best reasons to install roller blinds in your home. One of the great things about roller blinds is that they don't need to be removed for maintenance. Read More 

Does Your Building Create the Right Impression?

How did you decide on the layout and interior decoration of your business premises? Did you talk to your staff and find out how the design impacts their working life? Did you think about asking your clients, employees or others for input? The inside of your building will often have an impact on how successful your business becomes. You might think that your priority has to be on your products and services, so you can make your decor a secondary priority, but that would be a mistake. Read More 

Identifying and Treating Lawn Fungus In Your Roll On Lawn

If your new roll on lawn begins to develop dead-looking brown areas, ring marks or slimy patches, it is being attacked by a form of lawn fungus. So, how do you get rid of lawn fungus and prevent it from coming back? What causes fungus to develop in your lawn? Your lawn is actually full of fungal spores. Usually these cause no problems for your grass, but under certain conditions, they can germinate and cause harmful diseases. Read More 

Quick Tips for Buying Jewellery Like a Professional

When you buy jewellery for everyday wear, you may not be overly concerned about the materials and long-term value of the piece. However, if you're buying expensive jewellery as a gift or as something you want to have remain in the family for many generations, you'll want to exercise a bit more care in your choice. Note a few quick tips for buying jewellery like a professional. Treated versus injected Read More 

Pack Your Duct Tape: Emergency Fixes for Common Tent Problems

It's a nightmare situation. You've carefully packed and transported all of your camping gear to a site for a weekend away. You unpack, start pitching your tent, but discover that it's become damaged at some point. Or worse still, you accidentally cause damage while setting up. What can you do to make it usable, at least until you can get it repaired properly? You can buy specifically designed tent repair kits that will have what you need to fix all kinds of problems, but it's easy to think you won't need one until it's too late. Read More